FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OUR COMMUNITY: Guerrilla Republik Post- Verdict Self- Empowerment Seminar

Sunday, August 18, 2013
Time3:00pm until 7:00pm
Shomrey Hathora; 1386 R. David Abernathy Blvd, ATL, 30310.

In the wake of the passing of the heartbreaking and infuriating verdict on the Trayvon Martin- trial, we assume the role of creating another arena where frustration, mourning and anger can be channeled in strategically conducive and practical ways, without compromising education.

As Trayvon Martin could have easily been a family member or a local community participant here in Atlanta, we aspire to instill a sense of ownership and determination of ourselves and our young/adult kin in this inevitably permeating reality. We desire self- assurance and strength through tools that can be practically implemented.

We wish to empower our black and brown youth with organized and comprehensive resources on:

– County/City Law Enforcement Information (cont. updated)
– Your Constitutional Rights as Civilians
– Conducive Articulation Forms, Elaboration & Behavior during Profiling
– The Right to Bear Arms and How to Acquire Licensing
– Martial Arts Education
– Self- Empowerment through Grassroot- Organizations
– Channeling Frustration through Art and Recreation

We will have lecturers and speakers who specialize in all of these respective fields (To Be Announced) from other Grassroots such as Supreme Design, Zulu Nation, WeCycle Atlanta, FTP and Guerrilla Republik.

Our first Self- Empowerment Seminar takes place Sunday, August 18th, at Shomrey Hathora (next door to Mutana’s) on 1386 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd Atlanta, GA 30310; from 3pm- 8pm.

IMPORTANT: For the seminar we are looking for volunteers to help us organize this event.
We need all the help we can get, and if you have anything to contribute with that falls in line with the subtopics in this description; or if you just want to be present and of assistance, shoot us a detailed message at, and we will get back at you!

All of our attendees will be able to purchase food catered to us by FTP Catering and Raisha Williams, and the first 75 in attendance will get folders to take home with crucial resources to be utilized upon the completion of the seminars.
Please bring your young and elderly as this is an event for any and all!!


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