Protect Mauna Kea – Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley

Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley visits Hawaii to “Protect Mauna Kea” from the invasive project.
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Mauna Kea stands out as the tallest mountain in the world from base to peak and holds a sacred place in Hawaii’s cultural history. Right now, Mauna Kea is under threat from a state plan to construct a $1.4 billion telescope at its peak. After successfully stopping the production in 2014, native Hawaiian elders and citizens from every Hawaiian island once again took up the cause and congregated in the road to prevent constructions of the TMT project at the beginning of last month. In the face of military and police force, these non-violent protestors bravely remain resolute as they are now joined by thousands around the world. Damian is among those thousands.
“I recently visited Hawaii where people have come together to protect their sacred land on Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain in the world from base to peak. Ironically, while the people in Hawaii are trying to protect their sacred land from allowing the world’s largest telescope (costing $1.4 billion) to be built on top of Mauna Kea; we in Jamaica are trying to protect our nation’s land from bauxite mining companies expanding into Cockpit Country. Mining these areas would remove forest cover, block and pollute waterways, displace residents, threaten agricultural livelihoods, compromise air quality and threaten the health and well-being of thousands of Jamaican citizens. In the late 1700’s, Maroons who had escaped from plantations used this difficult territory to build communities outside of government control to free themselves of slavery. Please sign the petitions below on Change.Org to support these two important movements. ”
If you would like to support, please visit the petitions and sign:
Change Hawaii:
Change Jamaica:
Protect Mauna Kea Credits:
Shot by: @valenahlo, @primefootage, @minouye, @radiantsun9 & @bpleasel
Directed by: @bpleasel (for Mochilla)
Edited by: @luketheeditor & @rc_filmsss (For Parallax Post)
Color by: @bossibaker
Stills by: @mahanaaloha
Kūpuna on the Front Lines….
Billy Freitas, Kim Burke, Keoni Turalde, Richard DeLeon, Michelle Noenoe Wong-Wilson, Kaliko Kanaele, Dr. Pua Kanakaʻole Kanahele, Luana Busby, Mililani Trask, Damien Onaona Trask, Walter Ritte, Loretta Ritte, Hoʻoulualoha Hoʻokana, Roberta Benett, Maxine, Kahāʻulelio, Jimmy Naniʻole, Alika Desha, Desmond Haumea, Skippy Ioane, Danny Li, Tomas Belsky, Jim Albertini, Donna Keala Leong, Renee Price, Momi Patricia Green, Ana Kahoʻopiʻi, Raynette Robinson, Edleen Peleiholani, Haloley Reese, Deena Lokelani Hurwitz, Nohea Kalima, Sharol Kuʻualoha Awai, Leilani Kaʻapuni, Deborah Lee, Carmen Hulu Lindsey, Dr. Marie Alohalani Brown
Makua Rothman, Eddie Rothman, Kevin Zinger, Pua Case, Kahoʻokahi Kanuha, Ka`ikena Scanlan, Paula Fuga, Kaipo Hanakahi, Cody Nemet Tuivaiti, Dane Maxwell, Koa Hewahewa, Kahaku Camara-Ritte Westafa, Sean Mitnick, Shelby Mitnick, Ella Mitnick, Kanoe Mitnick, Big Koa, Na Kiaʻi Mauna (the mountain protectors), Puʻuhonua O Puʻuhuluhulu University, Kanaka Rangers, Kapu Aloha Kiaʻi Mauna, Mauna Medics, Puʻuhuluhulu Kitchen Staff….and to all the kiaʻi (protectors) around the world!!
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