2018 Raising Kings Week!
Series of MLK week events to foster positive images and expectations of men and boys of color in a society that says Black
males will end up one of two places by the age of 25…
WILMINGTON, DE – There are 121 (mostly Black males) incarcerated just on the Ferris Campus right now; 5 institutions
just in Wilmington where youth are incarcerated; 49,629 school suspensions just last school year; increased gun violence
among young black males (145 shooting victims last year!); A homicide rate that is on the rise; and an American narrative
that says that Black males will end up one of two places by the age of 25; it’s beyond time to do something…
Honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., One Village Alliance, Brandywine School District and the Delaware
Historical Society present the 5th Annual Raising Kings Conference honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we
look at where we are today as a nation, it’s clear that mere social gatherings are not enough. Raising Kings is a year-round,
high impact opportunity to connect our highest needs youth with positive male mentors, role models and fathers.
Our impact continues year-round beginning in January with Raising Kings Week. More than 700 men, boys and their
families gather annually for a full schedule of inspiring narratives, thought provoking presentations, and courageous
conversations. Our goal is to secure 130 new mentor commitments and build our capacity to support evidence-based
programming hosted weekly in schools and community sites including Ferris School for Boys.
Recently, the C.D.C. division that investigates the aftermath of disaster, came to Wilmington to explore a public health issue
claiming the lives of young black males: gun violence. “Our investigation was not focused on the mechanism of injury, but
rather the opportunities to intervene on more root causes of violence such as prior exposure to violence, family disruption
and limited educational attainment.” Courtney Lenard, CDC Epidemic Intelligence The New York Times. Disproportionately
high recurrent violence, trauma, substance use and mental health issues among our children devastate entire families
throughout the nation. We must change these outcomes in Delaware… We have no choice!
Wilmington consistently ranks in the top five most violent cities in the country.
To date, 2017 has been a record breaking violent year with 176 shooting victims.
Delaware has the highest prison population per capita in the entire world. 87% nonviolent detainees are black males.
87% of incarcerated black males report being raised in a fatherless home.
In 2014, 4,303 juveniles were arrested in DE. 71.8% were African-American.
In just one 8 month school year (2015-16) the DOE reports 49,629 school suspensions (17,258 different students). 123
were expelled.
Black males are the highest represented population in health disparities, and academic underachievement.
RK presenters and honorees have included: Poets laureate Nnamdi Chukwuocha and Albert Mills; 14 yr. old National
Figure Skater, Emmanuel Savary; 16 yr. old Chess Champion, Johnny Means; Professor David C. Wilson, PhD; Judge
William L. Chapman, Jr.; Police Chief Bobby Cummings; National Education Leader, Principal Salome Thomas-El; Dr. Kim
Allen and Billy Allen, U.S Senator Chris Coons, and Attorney General Matt Denn. The conference is free. Participants must
register. Full schedule and info at www.iamthevillage.org or call 855-YOUTH-ED
One Village Alliance (OVA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded with the assertion that it truly does take a whole village
to raise a child, raise a family and raise a community. Our mission is to uplift children and their families on a holistic journey
toward excellence through education, entrepreneurship and the arts.
Dorrell Green, RKW Chair, Dorrell.green@state.de.us, 855-YOUTH-ED
Chandra Pitts, CEO of One Village Alliance, chandra@iamthevillage.org