Big Punisher “Bronx Legends Never Die” COMING SOON ~ DEC 23 2014

new EP produced by Domingo called “BIG PUNISHER – BRONX LEGENDS NEVER DIE” featuring Chris Rivers, Cormega, Shaq & Easy Mo Bee!!
This campaign is strictly for the purpose of giving fans of rapper Big Pun the ability to Pre-Order the cd format of “Big Pun- Bronx Legends Never Die”. It is a limited number of 100 Cd’s in total that will be available for this release. Fans of Big Pun will appreciate the project as a whole in essence of keeping Big Pun’s legacy in music standing strong.
FOR MORE INFO ON Big Punisher “Bronx Legends Never Die”
DEC.23RD 2014!!!
You can now pre-order the NEW BIG PUN EP at the link below:…