Producer’s Polychromatic TruSkool ~ PRESENTED BY 77EXPRESSIONS CREATION ( BY RIM G.) 4/10/14

Thursday, April 10at 7:00pm – 1:00am
Erosol aka the Department Store
465 Edgewood Ave Atlanta, GA, Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Producer’s Polychromatic TruSkool
– The ultimate photographic voyage through the Producer’s Hiphop Expressionism
Ft. TruSkool Engineer- Attendees: Floyd The Locsmif, Illastrate/ Working Class Music, Yamin Semali, King I Divine, Rock Most, Amond Jackson/ Salem Psalms & DT of Clan Destined (vjc)/ The Difference Machine
Music by TruSkool DeeJays: Rock Most, Yamin Semali & Floyd the Loc Smif
Experience the colors of these groundbreaking & eclectic sound engineers, through a visual account of their creative sessions, while indulging in the sonic flow of the imagery, resonating with your ears, heart and mind.
Full Bar | Free Entrance
Culinary Treats provided by Taste of Living
TruSkool Apparel courtesy of Guerrilla Republik
All imagery presented shot, edited and owned by Rim Ghebre of 77Expressions Creations by Rim G.
Twitter: @pchrometruskool | IG: @pchrometruskool
Rim G./ RwakhYah Guerrilla Republik:
Twitter: @77Expressions | IG: @77Expressions_art (03.20.2014)
Producers Contact:
– Yamin Semali: | T/IG: @yaminallday
– Floyd The Locsmif: | T/IG: @Locsmif / @floydthelocsmif
– King I Divine: | T/IG: @kingidivine
– Amond Jackson: | T/IG: @salempsalms
– Rock Most: | T/IG: @rock_most
– llastrate: T: @illastrate_
– DT: | T/IG: @diffmachine/ @dtvjc