VISUAL CAFFEINE-episode46- John Robinson Visual Mixtape

VISUAL CAFFEINE-episode46- John Robinson Visual Mixtape from SEN ONE6 UZN on Vimeo.

Peace and bliss planet rockers!
Here’s some heat for those of you facing the winter weather. John Robinson is one of the most talented and diverse MC’s you’ll come across.
Here is some of his work-ENJOY!!
1.”Everywhere”- John Robinson and Chief
2. “It’s JAY ARE”- John Robinson and J Rawls
3. “Miles and Trane”- John Robinson and PVD
4. “Thinker Girl”- John Robinson and Ray West
5. “Powers of Nine Ether”- Scienz of Life
6. “Vinyl is Forever”- John Robinson and PVD feat. Shabaam Sahdeeq and El da Sensei
7. “Circulate”-John Robinson and ID 4 WINDZ
8. “Outta Control”- John Robinson and DOOM
9. “Know You”- John Robinson and J Rawls feat. ID 4 WINDZ
Thank you to my Zulu family for the support:
FRIXAN- Ukraine

for more on VISUAL CAFFEINE click here 

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