YOUTHPOWER Vol 2 : PRESENTED BY A New Black Arts Movement, Guerrilla Republik, Noble 9 Collective & Urban Art Beat in association w/ Uprose Brooklyn

A New Black Arts Movement, Guerrilla Republik, Noble 9 Collective & Urban Art Beat in association w/ Uprose Brooklyn presents
SATURDAY MARCH 25TH, 2017 :: 12 PM – 4 PM
@UpRose Bk
Featuring the Core Elements of Hip Hop Culture along with Family & Community!!
Short Film Presentation by : Conscious Youth Media Crew (CYMC)
More info :
Hosted By:
~ ReKae Medina
Music By :~ DJ SSS ~ DJ Cabin
Performances By :
~ Kai~ Nzinga~ 3rd Minded~ Synthesis
~ Zago
Live Art By :
~ TBA!
A New Black Arts Movement |
a new black arts movement is painting a new aesthetic, one in which we liberate ourselves from our oppressors. we are revolutionary matriarchal maroons.
This is a movement building upon the foundations of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960’s founded by Baba Amiri Baraka, Sonia Sanchez, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, all freedom fighters, and our many other ancestors long before and after in the struggle for liberation.
We have launched the reinvention, re-imagining the significance and necessity of a Black Arts Movement for today that is: internationalist, revolutionary matriarchal, and eco-socialist. A movement supporting majority oppressed nationality leadership and valuing the principles and characteristics of indigeneity. A new black arts movement views art as equivalent to politics.
Free the land. Free ALL political prisoners.
Conscious Youth Media Crew |
Conscious Youth Media Crew encourages youth to become life-long learners and positive, productive community members.
Through our unique San Francisco-based digital multimedia training program, youth participants learn multimedia arts and filmmaking, develop creative voice through storytelling, gain marketable technology skills, and become involved in the community as media producers and young leaders.
Guerrilla Republik |
GUERRILLA REPUBLIK draws it’s INSPIRATION from the first successful Slave Revolt in Haiti 1794, this rebellion exemplifies UNITY, STRENGTH, DETERMINATION and THE WILL OF GOD. OUR MISSION is to STIMULATE MINDS and EXPAND THE DYNAMICS of THINKING in our inner cities and motivate individuals to take a proactive approach to life through EDUCATION, SELF RELIANCE and PREPAREDNESS. Only The Real Feel This.
Urban Art Beat |
Urban Art Beat is a platform for creative expression, partnering talented artists and dedicated volunteers with under served schools and organizations. We believe that creative expression through the arts has the potential to enhance the mind, spirit and artistic energy of our youth and engage them in shaping a vision for their community’s future.We empower youth, fight educational injustice, and reduce dropout rates by creating reliable partnerships and innovative projects through Hip Hop culture and arts education.
Sponsors/Supporters :
~ a new black arts movement
~ BR Productions
~ Conscious Youth Media Crew (CYMC)
~ Guerrilla Republik (GREP)
~ Noble 9 Collective
~ Uprose Brooklyn
~ Urban Art Beat
~ Visual Caffeine
FREE for all ages and for all FREE!!!
R train(s) to 25th Street & 4th Avenue (about a 3 1/2 block walk)
B37 to 3rd Avenue & 21st Street (Bay Ridge bound)
B37 to 3rd Avenue & 23rd Street (Downtown Brooklyn bound)
B63 to 5th Avenue & 21st Street (Bay Ridge bound)
B63 to 5th Avenue & 24th Street (Cobble Hill bound)
Uprose Brooklyn
166 A 22nd Street (btwn. 3rd & 4th Avenues)
Sunset Park, Brooklyn 11232