Boog Brown – The Late Bloom Album Release Party ..AUG 3RD

boog brown album release

Saturday, August 3, 2013
Time9:00pm until 2:00am

Boog Brown w/ a live band
Yamin Semali
Afua & Alexa
DJ Nervex

$7 / 21+ / 9pm
Saturday August 3rd at 529

to reserve your spot:  ( click here )

Atlanta artist, by way of Detroit, Boog Brown is releasing her highly anticipated sophomore musical offering titled The Late Bloom in collaboration with Speakeasy Promo in Atlanta Ga on August 3, 2013.

The Late Bloom is produced by Illastrate (Black Noise/Eddie Coleman’s Friday Night Theme Music), Lex Boogie from the Bronx (Broady Champs/School of Sharks) and Joe D. (Gods’illa), each artist contributing at least three songs, vocals and interludes compiled into a ten track project that captures the laughter, joy and sometimes pain of a late bloomer.

More of an audio document than an album, The Late Bloom is a celebration of life and coming into your own, being comfortable in your own skin. It is a statement project, made to create a space for artistry without the limitations of societal pressures, the “sophomore jinx” or any other made up obstacle set to intimidate and stop an artist from achieving their full potential. It is a story of growth, made to share and understand, not to be “liked”. Simply put, The Late Bloom is the score for those of us unafraid to take a chance at doing and being exactly what we want.

“Just Bloom” The lead single and video, “In Tune” can be viewed here:

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